A new way to manage domotic and smart building installations

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  • cabecera
  • cabecera
  • cabecera


Domorela allows to manage home installations without Internet connection needed, contributing this way to the maximum privacity at homes. Domorela connects to the domotics network and to the data network (LAN), allowing to access to the management through a compatible W3C web browser, so different client devices can be used for: desktop PC, laptop PC, tablet, smartphone, smart TV.

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Domorela allows to manage domotics installations in hostelry, local restaurants and hotels, without the need to be connected to the Internet. Domorela connects to domotics network and to data network (LAN), allowing to access to the management through any client device with an standard web bowser. This facilitates that a PC at hotel reception or any mobile device of the staff can consult and control, for example, the lights and thermostats in halls and rooms.

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Offices and commerce

Domorela can be installed in offices and commerces to manage domotics installations without the need to be connected to the Internet. Domorela connects to the domotics network and to data network (LAN), and allows management through client devices with an standard web browser. This makes possible that both from any PC and from mobile devices belonging to maintenance personnel is possible to query and program, for example, thermostats of office rooms and meeting rooms in offices, illumination in shop windows of commerces and from common zones in both cases.

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