Domorela's Blog: Operation Level Features in Graph View

In the the Graph view, operators and administrators are allowed to add new values to the graph's series of values, to change the name of the graph and also to reset the graph to leave it blank for a new configuration.

To add new values to the series of values drawn in the graph there is present a new selection box that allows to select between the accountable Group Addresses that have been configured to be registered as Histories for data collection. An accountable Group Address is anyone with a DPT belonging to the Integer or Real numbers domain.


As the collection of data is so relevant for performance, configuration of Group Addresses as Histories is a duty reserved to administrator level users. So operators can only configure graphs with series of values previously configured by any administrator.

To perform the rest of actions there is present a contextual menu over the graph showing the new options related to graph configuration.



When the Change Name option is selected, a dialog is shown to change the name like in the Panel View.



When the Reset Graph is selected then a reset is performed immediately, this reset consist in the elimination of all the series of values being shown in the graph. So, beware on this option if you don't want to redo the job of adding several values again in the graph.

Finally, it should be taken into account that all the features present in the Graph View are also included in the Graph Widget of the Operator User Dashboard through a contextual menu. We'll speak in detail about Operation Level Dashboard in our last article about Operation Level Features.